Launch postponement for the MetOp-A satellite

July 20, 2006

After the difficulties encountered during multiple attempts to launch the MetOp-A satellite on the Soyuz/ST launcher, Starsem and its Russian partners - in agreement with Eumetsat and ESA - have decided to suspend launch operations.

The launch vehicle and its satellite will be returned to the launcher integration facility (MIK).

In parallel, a new operations plan is to be established in order to determine the new launch date.

  • See the other mission updates:

  • >  MetOp-A: launch postponed (July 19, 2006)
    >  MetOp-A satellite launch (July 19, 2006)
    >  Postponement of the MetOp-A launch (July 18, 2006)
    >  MetOp-A: launch postponed (July 17, 2006)
    >  Soyuz 2-1a moves to the launch pad with MetOp-A (July 14, 2006)
    >  MetOp-A is mated to its Soyuz 2-1a launcher (July 12, 2006)
    >  MetOp-A is integrated in its protective payload fairing (July 11, 2006)
    >  The improved Soyuz 2-1a launcher's new payload fairing is ready for flight (June 28, 2006)
    >  MetOp-A is readied for its July flight on the upgraded Soyuz 2-1a launcher (June 16, 2006)
    >  MetOp-A launch campaign begins at Baikonur Cosmodrome (April 22, 2006)

  • For additional information on the MetOp-A mission, read the Launch Kit.
  • Watch the MetOp-A launch live.